
Oni-Net #37

The term "jihad" comes from the Arabic root "j-h-d," which means "to strive" or "to struggle." Here are the key aspects of jihad in Islamic thought: 1. Types of Jihad Jihad is broadly categorized into two types: a. Greater Jihad (Jihad al-Akbar) Spiritual Struggle: The greater jihad refers to the internal, spiritual struggle against sin and self-improvement. It involves striving to live a moral and virtuous life, maintaining faith, and adhering to Islamic principles. Personal Development: This form of jihad emphasizes personal efforts to overcome one's desires, ego, and temptations. It includes acts such as praying, fasting, giving to charity, and performing good deeds. b. Lesser Jihad (Jihad al-Asghar) Physical Struggle: The lesser jihad refers to the external, physical struggle, which can include defending Islam and the Muslim community. It is often associated wit

Oni-Net #36

Criticisms and Negative Aspects of BTS A focus on some of the critical and negative aspects associated with BTS and their impact: Negative Aspects and Criticisms of BTS 1. **Obsessive Fandom**: **Excessive dedication**: Some fans known as ARM may become overly dedicated, sometimes leading to impulsive behavior that interferes with their personal lives, relationships, and responsibilities. - **Online harassment**: There are instances where overly passionate fans harass critics or non-fans online, creating a toxic environment on social media platforms. 2. **Self-image and impact on mental health**: - **Unrealistic Value**: Highly polished and often ideal images of BTS members can determine unrealistic beauty and quality of life, potentially affecting fans' self-esteem and body image. **Emotional Dependency**: The emotional connection that BTS develop with thei

Oni-Net #35

Russell's Viper in Bangladesh Russell's Viper in Bangladesh # Scientific Name: Daboia russelii Identification: Russell's viper, also known as Daboia russelii, is one of the most dangerous and highly venomous snakes found in Bangladesh. It is easily identifiable by its distinct chain-like pattern of oval spots along its back. The snake has a robust body, a flat, triangular head, and a blunt snout. The coloration of Russell's viper can range from yellowish-brown to brownish-gray, which helps it blend into its natural habitat. Habitat: Russell's viper is commonly found in a variety of habitats including open, grassy, or bushy areas, forests, and farmlands. In Bangladesh, it is often encountered in rural areas, particularly in regions with abundant vegetation and proximity to water sources. The snake’s adaptability allows it to thrive in both

Oni-Net #34

Real-Life Paranormal Activities Real-Life Paranormal Activities A deep dive into unexplained phenomena and ghostly encounters. The Haunting of the Winchester House The Winchester House in San Jose, California, is infamous for its architectural oddities and its haunted reputation. Built by Sarah Winchester, the widow of the firearm magnate William Wirt Winchester, the house has numerous staircases leading to nowhere, doors opening into walls, and other bizarre features. According to legend, Sarah Winchester believed she was haunted by the ghosts of those killed by her husband's rifles. To appease these spirits, she continuously built and expanded the house until her death. The Enfield Poltergeist One of the most well-documented cases of poltergeist activity occurred in Enfield, England, during the late 1970s. The Hodgson family reported

Oni-Net #33

!A short scary story about a shadowy encounter in a hotel: --- **Title: The Shadow in Room 333** ** Post Code: HTLSPK-001** --- During a business trip, I checked into an old hotel renowned for its grandeur but whispered about for its dark history. Room 333, tucked away at the end of a dimly lit corridor, had an unsettling reputation. Ignoring the warnings, I settled in for the night. As the clock struck midnight, an eerie chill swept through the room. I woke to the sensation of being watched, only to find a shadowy figure standing by the window. Its form shifted and swayed like smoke, unsettlingly human yet unnaturally elongated. I froze, heart pounding, as the figure slowly turned towards me. Eyes that seemed to absorb light glimmered from within the darkness. A voice, soft yet chilling, whispered my name. Unable to move, I watched in horror as the shadow crept closer, its presence suffocating. It reached out, a hand extending unnaturally long fingers toward me. I closed my eyes, pray