Oni-Net - #7 Post

 In Islam, Satan is referred to as "Iblis" or "Shaytan." The story of Iblis is mentioned in the Quran, the holy book of Islam. According to Islamic teachings, Iblis was among the angels but refused to bow down to Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) when commanded to do so by Allah.

The Quran describes the creation of Adam and the subsequent disobedience of Iblis. Iblis, who was a devout worshiper of Allah, was elevated to a high rank among the angels. When Allah created Adam and commanded the angels to bow down to him, Iblis refused, arguing that he was created from fire, while Adam was created from clay. Due to his refusal and arrogance, Iblis was cast out of Allah's favor, and he became a symbol of disobedience and temptation.

The Quran describes Iblis as the ultimate deceiver and an open enemy to humanity. Iblis vowed to lead humans astray and promised to try to misguide them. However, Allah granted humans free will and the ability to seek forgiveness, and the ultimate responsibility for one's actions lies with the individual.

The role of Iblis in Islam is to tempt humans away from the path of righteousness and to create discord. Believers are advised to seek refuge in Allah from the whisperings of Iblis and to resist his temptations by following the guidance provided in the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

It's important to note that, in Islam, Iblis is not a fallen angel but a jinn. While angels are created from light and have no free will, jinn are created from smokeless fire and possess free will, allowing them to choose between obedience and disobedience to Allah.

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