Oni-Net #9 Post


"Malak al-Maut" (ملك الموت) in Islamic tradition is the Arabic term for the Angel of Death. The literal translation of "Malak al-Maut" is "Angel of Death." This angel is responsible for taking the souls of individuals at the appointed time of death.

While the specific name "Azrael" is sometimes used in various cultures and traditions to refer to the Angel of Death, the term "Malak al-Maut" is the more commonly used and recognized designation in Islamic literature and teachings.

Islamic tradition holds that the Angel of Death, under the command of Allah, carries out the separation of the soul from the body at the time of death. The Quran refers to the angelic forces that are appointed by Allah to carry out various tasks, including the taking of souls. However, the Quran does not explicitly mention the name "Azrael" in connection with the Angel of Death.

The belief in Malak al-Maut is an integral part of Islamic faith, emphasizing the transitory nature of life and the reality of the afterlife. Muslims are encouraged to reflect on the impermanence of life and to prepare for the eventual meeting with Malak al-Maut by leading a righteous and mindful life in accordance with Islamic teachings.

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