Oni-Net #8 Post


In Islam, angels are spiritual beings created by Allah to serve various purposes in the universe. They are part of the unseen world and play a significant role in carrying out Allah's commands. Angels are considered sinless beings who do not possess free will; they follow the divine instructions and carry out their assigned tasks without any deviation.

Some key points about angels in Islam include:

1. **Creation:** Angels were created by Allah from light. They are a distinct creation separate from humans and jinn.

2. **Invisibility:** Angels are typically invisible to human beings. They exist in a realm beyond the physical world and operate in dimensions that are not perceptible to human senses.

3. **Hierarchy:** Angels have different ranks and responsibilities. The archangel Jibril (Gabriel) is known for delivering Allah's revelations to the prophets, Mikail (Michael) is associated with providing sustenance, and Israfil is known as the angel who will blow the trumpet to announce the Day of Judgment.

4. **Recording Deeds:** Angels, such as Kiraman Katibin (the noble scribes), are assigned to record the deeds of individuals. One angel records the good deeds, while another records the bad deeds.

5. **Guardianship:** Every person is believed to have angels assigned to protect and guard them. These angels provide protection from physical and spiritual harm.

6. **Worship and Obedience:** Angels worship Allah continuously and follow His commands without question. They do not disobey Allah and carry out their duties with absolute obedience.

7. **Announcing Allah's Decrees:** Angels are involved in carrying out Allah's decrees. They play a role in the processes of creation, sustenance, and death.

8. **Roles in the Afterlife:** Angels play a crucial role in the events surrounding death, the questioning of the deceased in the grave, and the scenes on the Day of Judgment.

In Islam, belief in angels is an essential component of faith, and acknowledging their existence is one of the six pillars of faith (Iman). The understanding of angels is derived from the Quran and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Hadith.

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